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Liposaure Ratiopharm 600mg (BEST SELLING!!!) Slimming


* A replace lipostabil 250mg/5ml product from German, now 600mg ampoules
* Able to alter the cholesterol and other fatty acids underneath the skin
* Penetrates skin layer and emulsifies the fat underneath, making them more soluble to water
* Common use in cosmetics for fat bursting, and medical line for burning fat in blood vessel
* Effective on things, hips, abdomen, flanks and chin region of the face (minor area)
* Best use with L-Carn for better effect (IV only)

Injection method:

* Intravenous (IV) by drip or normal injection
* Sub q to burn fat underneath the skin layer, need experience doctor or nurse
* Inject IV 1 ampoules 5ml every 2 days
* Use 1 ampoules per time

Site effect:
* No

Not suitable for:

* Breast feeder
* Injection on women period
* Patient with cardiovascular problem


* 10x600mg/5ml
Liposaure Ratiopharm 600mg
RM 260
Liposaure Ratiopharm 600mg
Liposaure Ratiopharm 600mg

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